Ian & Emma | Wedding
"I never want to stop making memories with you." SERVICE PROVIDERS Dress: Ever After Bridal Boutique Decor: Fancy Functions Flowers: The...

Kenan & Alte | Wedding
"Life has become more beautiful from the day you entered my life." SERVICE PROVIDERS Cake: Daisy's Pantry Dress: Natalia Trisolino Decor...

Chris & Kirstie | Wedding
"I love you more to day than yesterday but not half as much as tomorrow." SERVICE PROVIDERS: Cake: Pin-Up Puddings Decor & Flowers:...

Henke & Anica | Wedding
"Take my hand my my soul, because it is meant for you." SERVICE PROVIDERS Dress: Bridal Inn Flowers: Diederick Geldenhuys van Bossegoed...

Willie & Stellie | Wedding
"Your love is all I need to feel complete." SERVICE PROVIDERS Catering: The Delicious Monster Dress: Loka Hair and Make-up: Michelangelo...